So far I have been planing back the taper while keeping the mast octagonal - which I think make for a more uniform approach. I did take time out to research making a a spar gauge for 16 sides, and while it seemed to be a sturdy gauge, the pencils lead kept breaking and so in reality was not a success. Maybe I can replace for two ballpoint pens and see how that
works out...maybe others have better ideas?? Please feel free to comment.

I transferred the dimensions at the various stations onto my workbench (ladder) and used a calipers to constantly check my taper. This was quite depressing....several passes of the plane on eight sides just for 1 millimeter! I need to take up to 5mm off the staves in some parts!
Im beginning to doubt the wisdom of only taking 50% of the taper from the width of the staves as the result is that the planing of the outside of the mast is leaving the shape of the birdsmouth joint asymmetrical and could even results at the very top of the mast where the birdmouth joint just becomes an edge joint, although that may not be a problem as there is a solid plug at that point. I also had some excellent feedback from Dave Johnson who recently completed his Somes Sound and blog. Dave also built a birdsmouth mast but did not increase its diameter from the specified width of the solid mast. Dave reports that the boat sails really well and the mast is light. You can see his excellent blog here and admire a beautifully build Somes Sound.
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