Its impossible to mention Roundabout without mentioning a very similar design that was build at the exact same time at the same yard, design #1857 - Clarionet. They are very similar one-tonners. Both were built at Clare Lallows yard in Cowes, England and launched in 1966.
More about Clarionet later.

Here are the plans.

An exact sistership to this design was also built at Lallow. Here she is, Rainbow.

Principal Dimensions
LOA 36-6"
LWL 26-7"
Beam 9-11"
Draft 6-2"
Displacement 12,470 lbs
Ballast 5,500 lbs
Sail Area 494 sq ft
LOA 36-6"
LWL 26-7"
Beam 9-11"
Draft 6-2"
Displacement 12,470 lbs
Ballast 5,500 lbs
Sail Area 494 sq ft
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